Inspection Report
Our most recent Estyn report was published in July 2018 and we are delighted to share the outcomes with everyone. My sincere thanks to everyone who has played their part in our success – staff, governors, community partners, parents and of course, the pupils. Well done!
“The school is a happy and vibrant learning community where pupils make good progress. Pupils’ communication skills are particularly strong, and they apply their literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology skills effectively in an exceptionally rich range of contexts. Across the school, pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. They are courteous towards visitors and work extremely well with each other. The school provides very well-developed opportunities for pupils to keep fit and supports their emotional wellbeing highly effectively. There are exceptionally good opportunities for pupils to develop their confidence and resilience and acquire creative skills. The senior leadership team is strong. It has a powerful and productive vision for providing a fully rounded education for the school’s pupils, which it shares effectively with all stakeholders.”