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Additional Learning Needs

At Maes yr Haul Primary School, our approach to Additional Learning Needs is defined in the Welsh Government ALN Code (2021) - see link below.


Early identification is important so that we can start to address those needs as soon as possible, thereby enabling the child to access the curriculum as fully and successfully as possible. In school, a graduated response is used to adapt provision or strategies to best suit the pupils’ needs, either via their class teacher or with additional support and intervention from school staff as appropriate. Where further support is needed, external agencies may be involved.  The school will liaise with external support, e.g. Educational Psychologist to assist the class teacher with implementing any advice given.  Our Assistant Headteacher is also our Additional Learning Needs co-ordinator (ALNCo).


Very few children will be placed on the ALN register going forwards, as schools are deemed to be able to provide for most/ nearly all learners through its “universal provision”. At Maes yr Haul we will continue with our good practice of providing for a range of learners, but where it is necessary to have support above and beyond what a school can offer, a child may be placed on the ALN register.  


Pupils on the ALN register will be provided with an Individual Development Plan (IDP), a detailed document shared by all parties involved including school, inclusion, health and parents.  The pupil is central to the IDP, which will identify additional learning needs (ALN) alongside additional learning provisions (ALP). Children, where possible, are encouraged to participate in making decisions about their education e.g. setting and reviewing targets and evaluating provision by contributing to IDPs.

Parent & carer guide to ALN reform

Maes yr Haul - Our graduated response to Additional Learning Needs


The new ALN Act puts the learner at the heart of everything that happens and expects schools and local authorities to take a person-centred approach to planning for and supporting children and young people.  

In order to achieve this, we take a 'graduated response' approach at Maes yr Haul.  This details how we meet the needs of all our learners through effective implementation of support before moving to more specialist expertise, referrals or interventions.
