Inspection Report
Our most recent Estyn report was published in December 2024 and we are delighted to share the outcomes with everyone. My sincere thanks to everyone who has played their part in our success – staff, governors, community partners, parents and of course, the pupils. Well done!
"Maes yr Haul Primary School is a caring school. Leaders have created a positive ethos that promotes well-being, and mutual respect. Staff are supported well to develop their leadership skills, and to meet the needs of nearly all pupils, including those with Additional Learning Needs (ALN). The relationships between all members of the school reflect the positive ethos. Nearly all pupils enjoy school. They behave exceptionally well and show respect for each other, staff, and visitors. From strong starting points when they join the school, nearly all pupils make appropriate progress with literacy, numeracy and digital skills...Nearly all pupils have positive attitudes and enjoy learning. Parents appreciate that their views and opinions are considered and value the opportunities that they receive to visit school."