The pupils and staff at Maes yr Haul would like to thank the PFA for their fundraising over the last few years which has enabled us to spend a substantial amount of money on developing the outdoors.
You will have noticed the new outdoor classrooms, one outside the Year 1 classrooms and the other between the Year 3 and 4 classrooms. These will enable more opportunities to take learning beyond the classroom. Along with the original ‘sheds’ and outdoor classroom, there are now ample opportunities for outdoor learning to take place throughout your child’s time at Maes yr Haul. The PFA donation of over £12,000 has enabled this to be achieved.
New rainbow benches around the school have brightened up the concrete and enable children who wish to have a quieter break time somewhere to take some time out. Thank you to the PFA for the donation of over £1,500 to enable this to happen.
Each year group from Years 1 to 6 has had the opportunity to bid for resources that they feel will enable them to take teaching and learning into the outdoors. With a budget of around £1,000 per year group you will notice a range of resources such as storage sheds, beanbags, cushions, chalkboards, water features, planters, tables and tuff trays have been added to the areas between each set of year group classes.
The School Council met with staff from the Health and Wellbeing Team to discuss how to enhance the quiet area (on the right as you walk up to the main entrance). You will notice a storage shed that houses items that the School Council felt would be good for pupil wellbeing such as windchimes, fidget toys, emoji cushions, beanbags, and weaving ribbon. The School Council will share their ideas with the rest of the children in an assembly and we look forward to seeing this area in full use, thanks to a PFA donation of around £1,000.
Last year, gardening club proved to be popular and previous members wrote a letter to request a planting trug as they had made good use of the planters in the Year 3 area. With PFA money, a trug to be used by gardening club was purchased for £170.
Without the support of the PFA none of this would have been possible, so we would like to thank all members of the PFA and other volunteers for their support and look forward to building on this for the future.
Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
The school has an extremely supportive Parents and Friends Association (P.F.A) which always welcomes new members. The group meets regularly to organise social and fund raising events. The P.F.A provides updates to our parents through their own private Facebook page (search for MYHPFA) you on events taking place and future meetings, to which all parents who are interested in joining are very welcome.
The school has an extremely supportive Parents and Friends Association (P.F.A) which always welcomes new members. The group meets regularly to organise social and fund raising events. The P.F.A provides updates to our parents through their own private Facebook page (search for MYHPFA) you on events taking place and future meetings, to which all parents who are interested in joining are very welcome.