School Council
School council members 2023-2024
School council 23-24
Our first two meetings- 2nd and 9th October 2023
In our first meeting, we talked about the roles and responsibility of the school council and our motto 'Make Your Voice Heard'. We discussed the importance of listening to the ideas of children in their classes and being able to confidently bring these ideas to our meetings and feedback to their classes. We decided on the roles that different children would take on this term and the importance of giving all children a chance throughout the year.
As a school council, we chose 6 charities we wanted the children in our school to vote on and narrow down to 3. We ensured there was a mixture of charities that include global, national and local issues. The children did an excellent job of explaining this to the children in their class and carried out a vote. We collated the results, and the following charities were chosen as a focus for each term.
Autumn term- Save the Children (Christmas jumper day)
Spring term- Cancer Research UK
Summer term- Noah's Ark Children's Hospital in Cardiff
Our secretary and vice-secretaries wrote a letter for parents explaining how we chose these charities for the school year. Keep your eyes peeled as a letter will be coming your way!
School council charity choices
School council 22-23
Our first meeting- 10th October 2022
In our first meeting, we talked about the roles and responsibility of the school council and our motto 'Make Your Voice Heard'. We discussed the importance of listening to the ideas of children in their classes and being able to confidently bring these ideas to our meetings and feedback to their classes. We decided on the roles that different children would take on this term and the importance of giving all children a chance throughout the year.
As a school council, we chose 6 charities we wanted the children in our school to vote on and narrow down to 3. We ensured there was a mixture of charities that include global, national and local issues. The children did an excellent job of explaining this to the children in their class and carried out a vote. We collated the results, and the following charities were chosen as a focus for each term.
Autumn term- Save the Children (Christmas jumper day)
Spring term- Comic Relief
Summer term- Make a Wish
Our secretary and vice-secretary wrote a letter for parents explaining how we chose these charities for the school year. You can find the letter above which explains what you can wear/ bring for Christmas jumper day!
School Council 2022-23
27th May 2022
The Dinner Time Deal, Well-being Area and Summer Charity Event
During our school council meeting, we discussed the dinner time deal and fed back ideas from our class. Each class will design a dinner time deal poster to display in the classroom. We decided on the following deal:
The Dinner Time Deal
- Keep your space and place in line
- Tidy away before you go out to play
- Stay in your seat while you eat
- Make a choice and use the correct voice
- Leave nothing behind for the staff to find
- Respect one and all in the hall
Well-being Area
In addition to this, we discussed ideas for creating a well-being area in our playground. This is something that we will be planning and developing over the next few weeks.
Summer Term Charity Event
We have decided to support Ukraine in the summer charity event. Further details for this will be shared nearer the time :)
8th April 2022
Number Day
Number day has been really successful, the children have enjoyed participating in number activities led by the school council. The children have participated in sporty maths games in the outdoors and also number activities in the classroom. Have a look at some of our photos below.
Thank you for all the donations which will be given to The NSPCC.
23rd March 2022
The charity that we are going to support this term is NSPCC.
The school council have decided that they would like the children in our school to get involved and support NSPCC by having a non-uniform day on Friday 8th April. On Friday 8th April, children can wear non-uniform and if you would like to make a voluntary donation of £1 to be donated to the NSPCC, children can bring this to school with them and it can be collected in a contactless box in each classroom.
On Friday 8th April, the children have also decided to have a maths day where they have thought of lots of different number games and activities that they would like to participate in.
5th November 2021
Hi everyone! A little update from the Maes yr Haul School council 2021-2022. We have already held 2 meetings this term to elect our chair, vice chair, secretary, vice secretary and treasurers and to decide on the charities that the children in our school would like to support this school year.
At Maes yr Haul we choose a charity to support each term. As it is important to us that the children in our school help us to make decisions, we all went back to our classes after the first meeting to share a selection of charities that we could support and asked the children in our class to decide on a charity that we would like to support each term.
The charity that we are going to support in the autumn term is Children in Need.
In our second meeting the school council decided that they would like the children in our school to get involved and support Children in Need by having a non-uniform day on Friday 19th November 2021. On Friday 19th November 2021 children can wear non-uniform and if you would like to make a voluntary donation of £1 for Children in Need, children can bring this to school with them and it can be collected in a contactless box in each classroom.
The charity we are going to support in the spring term is the NSPCC and in the summer term we are going to support the Rainbow Trust. In our next meetings we will be discussing different events that we can hold to support these charities and we will be developing an action plan for the school council for the rest of the school year that we will share with you throughout the year. Thank you.
Maes yr Haul School Council
Maes yr Haul School Council 2021-2022 members,
Morgan, Emery, Sienna, Heidi, Harley, Marco, Finley, Charlotte, Bryn, Max, Joseph, Isaac, Daniela, Evan, Graciela, Caitlyn, Logan, Arush, Summer, Summer, Ava, Pranay, Carys and Danielle
Make Your Voice Heard
Friday 27th November 2020
We held a virtual school council meeting in school where we were joined by our new year 2 members and we discussed supporting the save the children charity by participating in Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 11th December. We thought of how we could facilitate contact free contribution collections and came up with ideas for in class competitions. One of the year 6 members then spoke to Miss Nicholas regarding prizes and costed these.
The year 6 members helped to draft a letter for parents and all classes from year 2 to 6 shared the information with their class.
Update - 7th July 2020
During lockdown we held a virtual school council meeting where we were asked for feedback on home learning. They and parents (as some parents stayed for the whole of the meeting) gave feedback on home learning e.g. what did they think of the amount and range of activities shared, what helped them the most and how we could support them going forward with blended learning.
Those children who attended the meeting shared that they particularly liked seeing and hearing their teachers voices on the welcome to the week videos and going forward more video tutorials by teachers would be helpful, which we have subsequently tried to do when a year group has had to isolate. School council members were also asked if they would be happy to stay on school council for the next year.