We know that good attendance and punctuality are not only important in ensuring that pupils are able to gain the most from their time in school, they are also important life skills. Maes yr Haul expects all families to do their best to ensure their children have good attendance and punctuality throughout their time at school. Attendance is regularly monitored and where levels of attendance, or poor punctuality raises concerns, we will write to parents and inform them. Should this situation continue, we will request a meeting with parents to try and resolve the situation. We work closely with the local authority education welfare service and may refer families to the EWO where attendance continues to be of concern.
Attendance up to January 2025
Class | Percentage Attendance |
Nursery AS | 93.6% |
Rec RR | 94.0% |
Rec RWJ | 94.7% |
1KM/GE | 96.6% |
1MG | 94.9% |
2DC | 95.0% |
2LE | 95.0% |
3JS | 90.8% |
3SHop | 96.3% |
4MK | 94.7% |
4AC | 95.1% |
5SJ | 94.9% |
5SHu | 95.1% |
6RJ | 92.6% |
6HSA | 93.8% |
Overall | 94.4% |